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Tropical Escape Vacation Homes: Terms and Conditions

Please ensure you read and understand the following terms and conditions pertinent to your Vacation Home rental stay with Tropical Escape Vacation Homes and that you understand that a full and complete list of terms and conditions will be supplied to you for e-signature when your booking is complete.   The terms in the booking agreement and here, are the contract between you and Tropical Escapes when you agree to its terms as part of making an electronic booking over our website. 

You will be sent a booking agreement for e-signature via email.  This is required and is a binding agreement between the person(s) above and Tropical Escape Vacation Homes as Agent to rent the Vacation Home described above.  

Door Codes and Directions can only be released after completed booking contract, photo id and full payment has been received.

By signing the agreement, the Lead Guest promises to be primarily responsible for payment of all fees and charges due hereunder, and to ensure that all other guests listed abide by all rules and regulations in this Booking Contract.  Please ensure you read and understand the booking agreement and any additional communications following terms and conditions pertinent to your Vacation Home.  This Booking Contract is a supplement to, and incorporates all of the Terms and Conditions found on the Tropical Escape website.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Tropical Escape for clarification before you sign the booking contract.

The property is available after 4:00 p.m. on the day of arrival and must be vacated by 10:00 a.m. on the day of departure.  

A Guest handbook is provided in your Vacation Home.  It contains important information about your Vacation Home, including the rules and regulations of the community in which your Vacation Home is located, as well as emergency information.  It is your responsibility to comply with the rules and regulations of the community, so please become familiar with the Guest handbook when you arrive.

Refunds and Cancellations/Modification: All cancellations and modifications must be in writing or they will not be recorded. Modifications must be done no less than 45 days prior to check-in date.

Cancellation and Modification Charges will apply as follows (please note all cancellations are subject to a 5% cancellation fee):

61 or more days prior to arrival:  20% of the rental downpayment and any currently paid funds returned 

60 to 46 days prior to arrival: 25% rental down payment forfeited

45 to 1 days prior to arrival: 100% of the rental rate and down payment is forfeited.

No Show, No Cancelation notice: 100% of the rental rate and down payment forfeited.


Liability and Indemnification:  Tropical Escape is not responsible for and is hereby irrevocably released by you and all guests or visitors from liability for and shall not be liable in respect of any events and/or factors outside the reasonable scope of duties and responsibilities of the services provided by Tropical Escape in conjunction with the homeowner.  

Tropical Escape is not responsible for, and is hereby irrevocably released by you and all guests or visitors from liability for, acts or omissions of third parties such as airlines, car rental companies, towing companies, etc., or for loss of enjoyment as a result of bad weather or schedule changes by others.

Tropical Xscape, Inc. and Tropical Escape Beach LLC, Tropical Escape Sanibel LLC are not responsible for and is hereby irrevocably released by you and all guests or visitors from liability for, and shall not be liable in respect of, force majeure, a legal term that refers to "unavoidable catastrophes that interrupt the expected course of events.", loss or changes caused by acts of God, strikes, fire, flood, closure of airports, terrorism, weather conditions, war, riots, government orders, pandemics, travel bans, or any other event beyond its control, including any inconvenience caused by construction/building work in the local area. 

If the home booked should become unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances related to maintenance concerns or homeowner rejecting the booking, Tropical Escape Resort Homes reserves the right to offer a substitute of any advertised comparable vacation homes or features with equal or greater value. If the substituted vacation home is of greater value an extra fee may apply. If there is no suitable home substitute a refund will be offered.

Tropical Escape is not responsible for and is hereby irrevocably released by you and all guests or visitors from liability for, and may not be held liable for, the failure of any equipment or services in the Vacation Home, regardless of how it may have occurred. Including, but not limited to, air conditioning units, refrigerators, cable or internet network, etc. In the unlikely event that any equipment or services stop performing adequately, Tropical Escape, in good faith but without waiver of the foregoing releases of liability, will be available to assist with repairs within our expertise or outsource help with specific repairs.

Tropical Escape not responsible for and is hereby irrevocably released by you and all guests or visitors from liability for, and may not be held liable for any accident, loss of property, theft, injury or illness arising from or sustained during your occupancy of the Vacation Home, regardless of how it may have occurred. You and all your guests and visitors assume sole and complete responsibility for the safety and security of all personal belongings, money, goods and items of any nature that are brought into the Vacation Home by you or your guests or visitors. However, in the unlikely event of any problems, Tropical Escape, in good faith but without waiver of the foregoing releases of liability, is available to offer such help and advice as may be reasonable and prudent under the circumstances.

The Lead Guest on behalf of himself/herself and all other guests and visitors or wholesale agent signing on behalf of guest, hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Tropical Escape harmless from and against any and all claims, judgments, damages, penalties, fine costs, liabilities, losses or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) which arise during the term of this Booking Agreement, including against any and all claims or liability for any injury or damage to any person or property whatsoever occurring in, on or about the Vacation Home or any part thereof.  These obligations of indemnity shall survive the expiration or sooner termination of this Booking Contract.

Use Limited to Residential: Every Vacation Home is a privately-owned residence, which is deeded, zoned and licensed as a vacation home property only. It cannot be used for any other purpose, including business meetings or any other commercial activity. Guests will be solely responsible for any violation of this limitation.

Agency Disclosure: Tropical Escape acts as the booking agent and rental management company for the Vacation Home but is not the owner of the Vacation Home. The responsibilities that Tropical Escape undertakes as agent are limited to those set forth in this Booking Contract.

Attorney Fees; Venue:  This Booking Contract and the rights and obligations of the parties hereto are governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Exclusive venue for any action arising out of this Booking Contract shall be the Circuit Court for Osceola County, Florida , Walton County, Florida, Bay County, Florida, Lee County, Florida and/or Polk County, Florida. If any legal action is commenced by any party to enforce or interpret any provision of this Booking Contract, the party which does not prevail shall pay to the prevailing party all costs and expenses of suit, including without limitation attorney, paralegal and expert fees, incurred by the prevailing party in all judicial and administrative proceedings and at all levels of such proceedings. This provision shall survive the expiration or sooner termination of this Booking Contract.

A valid government issued photo ID must be supplied prior to arrival to receive your arrival information.